Monday 9 April 2012

What are DC Electric Motor Controllers?

DC motor controllers are used in brush-less machines to replace the brush and commutator configuration of other models. The controller is an electronic device that performs the task of switching the phase to the windings in order to keep the motor turning. Controllers are therefore crucial parts in all brush-less machines. Controllers provide various benefits for improving efficiency and performance when used in the right machine.

The controller is responsible for directing the rotation speed of the machine and allows the operator to precisely choose a speed for multiple syndicated machines at once. Controllers utilise an electronic circuit to allow sophisticated control of different machines, with analogue and digital modes to provide unidirectional or bidirectional movement.

Controllers are commonly used in software development and computer parts. They are useful for enabling precise and intricate movement, at powerful speeds and in minuscule applications. Controllers are also used in areas such as the automotive industry, industrial production and domestic and office equipment. DC electric motor controllers are also popular amongst enthusiastic electrics hobbyists as they provide a professional level of control.

In comparison with brushed machines, models fitted with controllers offer higher efficiency, greater durability and lower ongoing cost. DC electric motor controllers are, however, more complex and expensive because of the additional electronic circuitry. To enhance the efficiency of your machines, it is possible to select a controller to suit the simplicity or complexity of your particular application. For example, mechanically powered toys and moving models only require the simplest controllers, made using straightforward circuitry.

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